
Student Profile

Name: ريم خالد البلوشي

ID: 21101510

Civil ID Number: 320092300053

Date of Birth: 23-09-2021

Contact Information

Main Phone Number: 60969080

Email: K.b.90@hotmail.com

Emergency Phone Number: 97596645

Address: Rumaithiya

Parent Information

Parent’s Full Name: Khaled

Parent’s Civil ID Number: 292080600037

Father’s Job Title: Engineer

Mother’s Name: Shatha shaker almutawa

Mother’s Job Title: Engineer

Student Details

Class (Age Group): Level 2

Gender: انثى

Number of Brothers: 0

Sibling Rank: الأول

Nationality: الكويت

Medical Information

Blood Type: O+

Symptoms: لا يوجد

Medicine Allergies: لا

Family Medical History: السكر

Medications/Supplements: لا

Food Allergies: لا

GI Problems: لا

Additional Information

Ambitions and Expectations: To provide a healthy and safe environment for children

Source of Information: انستقرام

Preferred Branch:

Subscription Method: فصل دراسي واحد

Payment Method: للفصل الواحد ( تدفع قبل بداية الفصل الدراسي )

Authorized Pickup Person: لا

Media Usage Permission: اوافق

Terms and Policies Acknowledgment: نعم